Since April 2008, pre-publication drafts of this manual have been available in print format. Shipping & handling charges will be applied to your order. (Charges will be applied after you initiate the purchase but before you confirm it. If you live outside the United States, to preview the charges, click on "calculate your total order amount" on the first screen. You will then have a chance to select your country.) Texas and Minnesota residents will also be charged sales tax.
Unfortunately we have not yet set up our e-commerce shopping cart, so the "Buy Now" button only works for single-book transactions. If you want to order multiple copies of the book, please enter multiple transactions, and we will refund any overpayment you make on the actual shipping handling charges.
Here are your choices (though only the first one is available for the foreseeable future):
Spiral-bound, laser-printed with black toner on 20-pound paper with 30% post-consumer recycled content. | $29.95 |
(Note: Our eBook version has not been completed and is on hold for quite the foreseeable future. If you need
the information contained in our manual now, we suggest you purchase a print version at this time. If you
order a print copy now, a $10 rebate will be applied off the price of the eBook when it becomes available.)
Please sign up for our email list to be informed when the eBook can be ordered
visitors to this website since 4/18/2008
This page was last updated on 12/21/2008.
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